What's Included in the
Choose To Breathe 10 Day Program?
3 Short Daily Sessions
Each day, you'll receive 3 simple and concise guided audio lessons, each between 5-10 minutes long.
9 Different Practices
You'll learn a complete toolbox of simple practices that allow you to Awaken, Balance or Calm yourself.
Basic & Advanced Tips
You'll learn not only basic exercises and practices, but advanced tweaks to customize them for your situation.
There's nothing to buy, and you're welcome to share this free program with your friends and family.

I Hope You Find These Simple Practices Useful.
What started as a journey into my own mental and emotional wellness brought me to learn the power and importance of proper breathing.
I was shocked at how simple it is to use our breath as a tool to manage our mental and emotional health. I started sharing some of the practices with friends, and saw equally impressive results and feedback.
I decided to publish the 10 Day Program as a free resource so that anyone can benefit from such a simple and effective solution to many of today’s demands.
I hope you enjoy it!